The Traclite control system is the product
of many years experience and investment in lift control technology. It is commitment to innovation that has seen Lifteknic
rise to become one of the global market leaders for lift control systems. The Traclite controller is based on the Qube control
system and optimised for use with AC geared machines with speeds up to 1.6m/s.
Floor Capability
The Traclite control system serves up to 8 floors in any call
mode (i.e. APB, non-selective collective, down collective or full collective) with all signals being wired directly back to
the controller.
Where DDA compatibility is required, a landing CAN network
is utilised and the landing calls and associated call registration buzzer are interfaced to the main controller via a universal
interface, connected to the landing CAN network at each floor.
Door Capability
The Traclite control system is targeted specifically at AC
geared installations operating in open loop up 1.0m/s or closed loop up to 1.6m/s.
The Unidrive SP by Control Techniques is used in conjunction
with the Traclite lift control system.
Standard cabinet size 1200H x 600W* x 300D (* 720W including
braking resistor)
Open loop operation up to 1.0m/s
Closed loop operation up to 1.6m/s
Geared AC machines only
Simplex or duplex operation only
Up to 8 floors
Handwinding system c/w 24Vdc battery for buzzer & tapehead
back-up supply
Contactorless operation
3-wire supply (no neutral required)